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How To Combat Retaliation from a Healthcare Employer

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As an employee in healthcare, you face inherent disadvantages due to the hierarchical power dynamics where employers have greater authority over their staff. This imbalance can sometimes influence healthcare employers to engage in retaliatory actions, such as discrimination or wrongful termination if you report workplace violations.

It is important to fully understand your rights if you believe a healthcare employer has retaliated against you. Knowing your legal protections with one-on-one assistance from a retaliation attorney can empower you to file a lawsuit and hold the employer accountable for their actions.

What Is Healthcare Employer Retaliation?

Healthcare employer retaliation occurs when an employer takes adverse action against an employee in response to the employee engaging in legally protected activities. These activities can include:

  • Reporting workplace violations
  • Filing complaints about discrimination or harassment
  • Whistleblowing on unethical practices

Retaliatory actions by an employer might include demotion, reduction in hours, wrongful termination, negative performance reviews, or any other adverse response aimed at punishing the employee.

In the healthcare industry, employees have access to sensitive information and are obligated to uphold high ethical standards. Therefore, retaliation can discourage employees from speaking out about issues that could potentially affect patient care and safety.

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How Can Employees Protect Themselves?

Fortunately, there are employee retaliation protections in place to protect individuals from retaliation. Some of these include:

  • Health & Safety Code Section 1278.5. This provides whistleblower protection, allowing employees to report workplace wrongdoings without fear of retaliation. In California, whistleblowers who face discriminatory treatment can pursue legal action against medical practices and their staff for monetary damages.
  • Business & Professions Code Section 2056. This code protects healthcare employees from retaliation when they speak up or act in the best interest of their patients. It ensures that healthcare professionals can advocate for proper patient care without fear of retaliation, even if their actions conflict with their employer’s economic interests.

Why You Need a Retaliation Attorney By Your Side

Relying on an attorney to file a lawsuit on your behalf, whether for healthcare whistleblower retaliation, healthcare worker retaliation, or medical retaliation, can strengthen your case and improve your chances of a fair settlement. Experienced retaliation attorneys will ensure your rights are protected and help you secure the compensation you deserve.

Contact a Whistleblower Retaliation Attorney Today

Fenton Jurkowitz Law Group has a team of seasoned retaliation lawyers and healthcare attorneys who can file a retaliation lawsuit on your behalf, protecting you every step of the way. Fill out our contact form on our website to connect with an experienced attorney today.