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What To Do If Your Pharmacist Is Accepting Kickbacks

You may have read our previous post, “What To Do If a Colleague is Accepting Kickbacks.” But physicians are not the only ones at risk …

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Protecting Healthcare Data and Avoiding Cybersecurity Risks

As a healthcare practice, your top priority should always be the health, safety, and well-being of your patients. A significant aspect of this protection includes …

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Stark Law Cases You May Have Missed in 2024

Just to recap, the Stark Law, also known as the Physician Self-Referral Law, establishes guidelines to ensure physicians practice their profession lawfully, specifically prohibiting self-referral …

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Pharmacy Data Security: Do’s and Don’ts

Following our previous post on Healthcare Data Security: Do’s and Don’ts, it is important to understand how these principles specifically apply to pharmacies in ensuring …

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Choosing the Right Insurance for Your Healthcare Practice

When you hear the word “insurance,” your mind might automatically go to health insurance. However, health insurance is just one of the many types of …

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How To Combat Retaliation from a Healthcare Employer

As an employee in healthcare, you face inherent disadvantages due to the hierarchical power dynamics where employers have greater authority over their staff. This imbalance …

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Agreements for Selling Your Healthcare Practice

You may have read our previous post on Selling Your Healthcare Practice 101 to learn the basics of a seamless and successful business sale. Before …

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What To Do If a Colleague Is Accepting Kickbacks

As a medical professional, people’s lives are in your hands. Therefore, much of the healthcare industry relies on ethical integrity. The highest priority in your …

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Six Attorneys Named 2025 “Best Lawyers;” Two Attorneys Named 2025 “Ones to Watch”

Fenton Jurkowitz Law Group is pleased to announce that Henry Fenton, Benjamin Fenton, Nick Jurkowitz, Beth Kase, Dennis Lee, and Alan Sedley have been selected …

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Negotiating Healthcare Employment Contracts With a Lawyer

Negotiating a healthcare employment contract is necessary to ensure your compensation, benefits, and working conditions align with your professional goals and personal needs. Through negotiation, …

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